Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What a Crazy Schedule

Out of my entire 7 semesters at ASU, I believe that my 8th and final semester has the craziest schedule of all my semesters. I have had some poor schedules and some great schedules. This one is in between and minus one thing would probably be my best schedule.

I am taking 15 credit hours this semester. Nine hours of in class Spanish, three hours of in class Journalism and Spanish Internship. I also have a lab for the Journalism class. The Internship and Lab were both TBA on their time and place. That is understandable to some degree. The internship we schedule around our classes. The lab we would probably sign up for some number of events in the community to cover. I expected to skip my Tuesday evening class a time or two. However, when I got to the class I found something out that was not pleasing at all.

The Journalism class has most of the events assigned. It seems the entire class will be there including the teacher. If we walk in late, it is an automatic letter grade deduction. If we leave early, same thing. We were told that most meetings would be on Mondays and Tuesdays. After class I ask for an estimate of how many would be on Tuesdays. Someone else asked times. I was told most meetings began at 6 or 6:30 and most would be on Tuesdays.

The whole reason I am taking a night class (5-6:15 on T/TR) is because the class I really needed for my Spanish major met at the exact same time as Public Affairs Reporting. So the department works with me and allows me to substitute a Special Topics course for it. I am in every Spanish class that I have not already taken (other than grammar) this semester. There are no other options for classes to take. And now I find that we are required to go to a lot of meetings at the same time I am already in a class.

My plan is to let my Spanish teacher know I will be skipping and/or leaving class early frequently on Tuesdays and tell him why. Most meetings are downtown so I have to go back to my appartment to get my car and drive there.

My second option may be to talk to the instructor and department chair and see if I can substitute a class in place of public affairs.

My updated calendar for the semester is at the bottom of the blog or at the link with this post.

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