Saturday, November 5, 2011

Dream with some Spanish

Me fascinan los sueños. Qué es la causa? Podemos controlar las temas en que soñamos? Si pudiera entender la ciencia, creo que la neurología sea mi favorita. El cerebro es una cosa extraordinaria.

He hablado de soñando en otra idioma más que una vez. Anoche por la primera vez, estoy seguro hubo un poco de español en mi sueño. No sé el razón.  No estaba pensando en español; no estaba hablando en español ni estaba leyendo español.

De todos los lugares posibles, estaba en un bar. Acabo de regresar de Inglaterra y estaba tratando de explicar a la trabajadora que quería beber. Cada vez estaba hablando en Ingles. Ella me miraba con confusión. Yo estaba hablando ingles. Después de realizar, expliqué, "Lo siento, acabo de regresar de Inglaterra." Entonces me acosté. Pero por la primera vez hablé español en un sueno.  Guay!

Dreams are fascinating. What causes them? Do we have any control over what we dream about? If I had the ability to do complicated science, I think neurology would have to be my branch. The brain is an amazing thing.

I had the discussion on more than one occasion about dreaming in another language. Last night I finally had my first dream that I am 100% sure had some Spanish in it. I wasn't thinking about Spanish before I went to bed and hadn't spoken a lot of Spanish or read a lot of Spanish before sleeping either. What caused it, I don't know, but hopefully there will be more to come.

Of all places it was set in a bar. I had just returned from England after being stranded for a few days. It was late in the evening and I was trying to explain to the bartender what I wanted to drink. I kept speaking in English and she kept giving me weird looks because she couldn't understand me. Eventually I realized what was happening and told her in Spanish that I was sorry and had just returned from England. Then I woke up. But for the first time there was Spanish coming form my mouth in a dream. Pretty cool!

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